Denver’s English World
Welcome to my website! I’ve been teaching English for the past 15 years in Australia, Japan and South Korea.
Currently I provide virtual lessons via Japanese company SmallBridge CafeTalk
as well as international company Global Lt. I also create English lesson material for the online learning environment using Google Docs.
I hope you’ll find my resources on this website useful.
I plan to add to it so that it will eventually be substantial.
If you take lessons with me, I’ll give you access to additional resource lessons in Google Docs!
As for Me
I agree with this!
Why we need a national day to unite original and new Australians,
Paul Daley, The Guardian, 25 January 2015
I hate this!
Man Catches 200 year old fish!
Eric Pfeiffer, Yahoo News, 4 July, 2014
I love this!
Passengers push train off woman.
West Australian, 23 July 2013.
See also My Living with English site.